
Aug 21, 2008 4:12 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I have XP and Vista on the same machine. My question is if it's OK to use Skin Studio on two partitions on the same computer. 
1 Reply Reply 3 Referrals

Jun 26, 2008 5:48 PM by Discussion: Skinning
 In SKS6 is there a trick to making the text in the places white and in the programs black. All I get is black for both no matter what I do. 
8 Replies Reply 12 Referrals
    I have the latest ver. of window blindes, and no matter what skin I use the left pane of the control panel will not skin.
Please HELP.

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May 31, 2004 3:16 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
I just read a post that mentioned the high cost of bandwidth that Wincustomize has to pay each month. I have been a long time member of Wincustomize but had never purchased any products. after thinking about how much enjoyment I get from this site my guilt kicked in and I just made my firt purchace.

Thanks Wincustomize for the many hours of pleasureable browsing
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